Sunday, February 28, 2010

Mom T's B-day and Colbie Caillat

On Saturday February 27th was my mom's B-day.

A couple of months ago Tallene called me and asked if I would like to go to the Colbie Caillat concert and surprise mom for her birthday. So on Saturday Tallene, Eliza, Taylor, and I showed up at my mom's house around 4pm and told her she had 5 mins to get ready because we were taking her. Kimberly knew what was going on as well.

She just kept asking us where we were going and what we were doing, especially when we started down the highway.

The first place we stopped was at Sizzler in Pocatello where we had my mom's cousins Venus and Star meet us for dinner. Venus also brought another of their friends. She was very surprised and had a good time catching up with everyone.

At the end of dinner Venus and Star gave mom a card and Tallene gave her Colbie Caillat's new cd. We then started talking about how good she is, not knowing she was going to see her. She was even asked what she was doing for the rest of the evening and stated "maybe just go home and watch a movie."

When we were in the car driving she then started asking again, what we were doing because I drove into Pocatello and not home.

As we pulled up to the Stephens Performing Arts Center, Tallene told her to "bring in her cd in case we were able to meet her." She was totally shocked, it was great.

The concert was really good. The first act was one of Colbie Caillat's guitar players Justin Young. It was just him and a keyboard player. Very good.

Next was Colbie Caillat. We all loved it!
Check out a few pics from the concert. To see more check out my Facebook page.

Friday, January 15, 2010

December Items Missed

This is little out of order, but Eliza's birthday is in December and here are some pics from the party.

Opening gifts.

We gave her boots and skittles!

Tallene made her Tinkerbells house for her cake.

Just random, here is how I decorated the new window ledge in the bathroom.

New Years 2010

For New Year's Mike, Krystal, Dad H, RaeAnn, and I all decided to drive to Megan and Scott's house for New Year's Eve.
We arrived had a good dinner and played games on the Wii. We only made it until around 11pm and then called it a night, to tired.

The next day we had a relaxing day of just playing games, watching movies and eating way too much good food.
Mike and I headed home on the 1st (we were up until midnight this night).

Christopher and Mike


Christmas 2009

This year for Christmas Mike and I decided to spend it with his side.

On Christmas Eve we went to Krystal's house for a potato bar dinner. We then played a Christmas version of the "Match Game." Krystal was the host and she gave the constants (Mom S and Auntie Marsha) part of a quote from a Christmas movie or item. Then everyone else came up with something and wrote it down. The contestant then said their response and had to try and match what we had written down. It took a little while to get going, but ended up being a lot of fun. To make it a little more interesting some of us answered as if we were another character and then made them guess who we were.

We then split into two groups where one decorated cookies and the other played the game "Settlers of Catan." Then we watched "Mikey's Christmas Carol" until Mom S, Auntie Marsha, Mike and I decided to go to the Christmas Eve service at church. It is always nice to go and hear and bells being rang in at midnight.

On Christmas Mike and I decided to stay home in the morning and just open presents. I also cooked crepes for breakfast.

At around 11pm we packed the car up and headed to Mike's Moms for presents, dinner and fun.

Christopher opening his gifts.

We played a new game Mom got called "Would you rather..." Here are some funny things we had to do:

Auntie holding her tongue for a round.

Mom holding a soon in her mouth for a round.

Scott "butt dancing" for 30 seconds.

Me (Michelle) humming and dancing for 30 seconds (no music).

Just a cute pic. Auntie with Christopher!

At around 7pm Krystal, Megan, Scott, Mike and I headed over to Dad H's to open presents with them.

Mike and I then headed home to rest before another busy day.

On Saturday Mike and I decided to go see the movie "Avatar" in 3-D. It was a great movie. The theater was sold out. This was the first time I have seen an actually movie in 3-D. I have been on the 3-D rides and seen some short films, but this was the first full length movie.The graphics and colors were great. If you haven't seen it I definitely recommend it.

After we got out of the movies I called my brother Kyle and him and his wife Stacy came over to the house for a while. It was nice to talk with them since we seem to have a hard time getting together.

Then we went to my parents house to exchange gifts with my parents and Tallene and Mac's family.

A busy, relaxing, fun weekend!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

This year we did Thanksgiving at our house, again, but this year is was with my side of the family (the Turnbows). My mom is getting new floors so it was just easier.

Mike and I did the Turkey, corn bread stuffing, potatoes, green bean casserole, and vegtables with homemade yummy ranch dip.Then everyone else brought the rest.

My mom and I made pies the night before together. I made 3 pumpkin, 2 chocolate cream, and 2 marionberry.

The day for the most part was relaxing and fun. We all ate too much.

When we were done eating Tallene, my mom, Kimberly and I all pilled in the car and went to Michael's Crafts for there sale. It was a lot busier then we expected.

We then returned home to eat pie (one of each kind) and play games.

Mike and I then went to bed way to late to get up and be at Walmart by 4:30am. I was able to get most of my shopping done on Saturday!

The Food!

And Family!
I got you Nathan.